
About Nat Arnold

Nat Arnold, NREMT-P, FP-C, holds a dual position at AirCARE1 as a Flight Paramedic and Client Relations Specialist, realizing her passion for medicine education. She has 17 years' experience in emergency medicine starting in ground 911 ambulance, ER care, helicopter medevac, and now long-range fixed-wing air ambulance transports with AirCARE1. As a cancer survivor, Nat has a unique perspective as a medical professional that is seen to enhance the care she provides to her patients.

AirCARE1’s Medical Director Elevates Education & Training

By |2023-08-14T13:39:05+00:00September 26th, 2022|Categories: Company News, Employee Profiles|

Our education and training difference at AirCARE1 I am often asked this question, “What makes education and training stand out at AirCARE1?” For some in the industry it might take them a minute of comprehensive thought to come up with a valid and non-cavalier response. For me it’s an instant response. My response – Education and training is done differently at AirCARE1 because our Medical Director is integrated with the medical crew and flies as a crew member on our missions. Let’s quickly define Medical Director. In a healthcare environment the [...]

Providing Care for Hospice Patients

By |2024-04-17T15:43:42+00:00June 30th, 2022|Categories: Holistic Care, Nursing|

Caring for and assisting hospice patients during their end-of-life medical journey is a challenging yet fulfilling job. Amongst many things, ultimately it is important to support hospice patients by fulfilling their wants and needs to ensure they are comfortable in their last days. This article will help illustrate just how special this patient population is, and how respect and compassion should be the main priority when rendering medical aid. Starting with my first experience with a hospice patient, this story resonates in my mind as clear as day. I remember [...]

Pain Management During Long-Range Air Medical Transports

By |2024-12-17T20:08:49+00:00April 26th, 2022|Categories: Holistic Care, Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

Air Ambulance services are required when a patient has a medical injury or illness and needs to be transferred to another location for further medical care. Long-range transports are transfers from state to state, to or from another country outside of the US, or any distance where specialized care is necessary. These transfers are carried out in larger fixed-wing aircraft, versus a rotor aircraft, that are medically configured to act as an airborne ICU and can transport the patient safely, comfortably, and quickly. Long-range Air Ambulance aircraft are professionally staffed [...]

AirCARE1 Featured in ITIJ: High Flow Oxygen Therapy Case Study

By |2023-06-28T15:34:00+00:00March 8th, 2022|Categories: Medical Equipment, Patient Transport|

Since the start of the pandemic, many treatment therapies have grown in popularity within the healthcare environment. One of these therapies is High Flow Oxygen Therapy. High Flow Oxygen Therapy helps reduce the need for invasive ventilation. It has proven to be an effective, non-invasive solution that allows patients to receive oxygen while reducing strain on the body and support healing. This acronym chart aids in describing the benefits of High Flow Oxygen Therapy In the past, High Flow Oxygen Therapy has only been used in a hospital [...]

AirCARE1 Covid Patient Transport Case Study Featured in ITIJ

By |2023-05-05T18:04:40+00:00September 10th, 2021|Categories: Patient Transport|

AirCARE1 recently provided a case study of two Covid patient transports to the International Travel & Health Insurance Journal (ITIJ), featured in the Air Ambulance Review September 2021 Issue. Read the article below: CASE STUDY: AirCARE1 Air Ambulance continues to transport Covid patients Nat Arnold, Flight Paramedic and Client Relations Specialist at AirCARE1, describes how the company is continuing to care for Covid patients AirCARE1 has been involved in the care and transport of multiple Covid positive patients throughout the pandemic. The acuity of these patients has ranged from asymptomatic [...]

Transporting Patients With Mental Health & Behavioral Disorders

By |2024-03-15T16:15:09+00:00August 25th, 2021|Categories: Patient Transport|

Anyone, and everyone, can experience difficulties with mental health. During these turbulent times of the 2020-2021 pandemic mental health diagnosis has vastly increased, suicide rates have soared to devastating level, leaving a staggering shortage of resources for those who are affected. In more severe cases, an individual struggling with mental health can utilize a behavioral health facility that focuses on the treatment of mental, social, and physical illness in children, adolescents, and adults. Behavioral health facilities can be freestanding entities, state institutions, or operated as a department of an acute [...]