Medical Transportation

Transferring Hospitals

By |2025-03-06T19:53:46+00:00March 6th, 2025|Categories: Ambulance Flight, Medical Transportation|

Air ambulance hospital transfer services transport individuals from one facility to another quickly and safely, providing expert medical care along the way. Air ambulance transfers are among the safest forms of long-distance medical transportation, as these flights are outfitted with advanced medical equipment and staffed by highly trained professionals who provide continuous care throughout the entire journey. Choosing the right air ambulance provider for a hospital transfer is essential for receiving quality care and avoiding hidden costs. A quality provider offers transparent pricing and expert medical personnel to support [...]

Surgeries That May Impact Your Ability to Fly Commercially During Recovery

By |2025-02-27T20:47:44+00:00October 11th, 2024|Categories: Health, Medical Transportation|

Recovering after surgery is a big adjustment, especially since some surgeries can limit your ability to fly commercially — this could be challenging if you have important work or personal trips scheduled. Air Travel After Surgery Depending on the type of surgery you had and how recent it was, you may need to find alternative transport arrangements. In some cases, long-range medical transport is the best option to maintain your recovery throughout your journey. Understanding the requirements and restrictions for flying after surgery is critical for safe travel plans. Surgeries with [...]

What Is the Advantage of Air Medical Transports?

By |2024-12-17T20:10:53+00:00July 18th, 2023|Categories: Medical Transportation|

Air medical transport has been utilized for years but is now becoming one of the most efficient and safe ways for patient emergency travel. Air ambulances are fixed or rotor-winged aircraft specifically designed with patient treatment in mind — fitting the needed medical equipment, medical team, and patient to relocate them from one hospital to another. Continue reading for more information on the benefits of air transport. Air vs. Ground Transport When you think of an ambulance, you likely imagine a ground vehicle. As air transport gets more advanced, [...]

Air Medical Transports From The Caribbean

By |2024-03-13T18:02:59+00:00May 23rd, 2023|Categories: Ambulance Flight, Medical Flight, Medical Transportation|

Challenges of Transporting Patients Out Of The Caribbean Islands During the winter months where temperatures are below negative degrees in the northern parts of North America, many vacationers and retired “snowbirds” from US & Canada migrate down to the Caribbean. With this influx of travelers there’s bound to be unfortunate medical emergencies producing a steady demand for air ambulance transfers out of the Caribbean. Due to limited resources and specialized care available within the area, hospitals must transfer patients to more advanced care facilities that are offered in the [...]

How To Deal With A Medical Emergency In Mexico

By |2025-01-23T14:48:53+00:00April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Ambulance Flight, Medical Flight, Medical Transportation, Travel|

Medical Care In Mexico For Tourists No one travels on vacation anticipating something terrible to happen, but no matter where you're traveling, you must always be ready to handle a medical emergency. Specifically, dealing with a medical emergency while in Mexico brings its own unique challenges. If such an emergency arises and time is of the utmost importance, here are a few things you should understand and take into consideration if you become critically injured or severely ill while in Mexico. Jump To: Pay Upfront | Language Barrier | Lack [...]

AirCARE1 Featured in ITIJ: Keeping Crews Safe During the Pandemic

By |2023-08-14T13:49:14+00:00September 1st, 2022|Categories: Medical Transportation, Nursing|

ACE Air and Ambulance, Fox Flight Air Ambulance and AirCARE1 told ITIJ how they managed to keep their crews safe during the height of the pandemic – and beyond ACE Air and Ambulance On 5 March 2020, the first Covid case in southern Africa was identified in South Africa: a male citizen returning from a stay in Italy. As an air and ground ambulance service, ACE had been monitoring the goings on in Europe and the US. Dr Charles Crawshaw, ACE Air and Ambulance Chief Medical Director, tells ITIJ: [...]

AirCARE1 Featured in ITIJ: The Intricacies of Transporting a Complex Pediatric Patient

By |2023-08-14T14:01:54+00:00September 1st, 2022|Categories: Medical Flight, Medical Transportation, Patient Transport, Pediatric Patient Transport|

Since the advent of the air ambulance and its eventual evolution into long-range, intensive care units in the sky, its highly trained flight teams are responding to young patients that are more complex than ever before. AirCARE1 was called to transport a critically ill, pre-term, three-month-old infant with a multitude of congenital defects requiring comprehensive pulmonary and advanced cardiovascular life sustaining measures. The baby was to be transferred from an Intensive Care Unit at Phoenix Children’s Hospital to an Intensive Care Unit at Texas Children’s Hospital for evaluation by a [...]

How To Help Your Patient with A Medical Transport

By |2024-12-17T20:10:11+00:00August 23rd, 2022|Categories: Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

You have a patient that needs to be transported from your facility to another facility at another location. We understand this can be a daunting task if not done very frequently. What is your first step? Where do you start? How can you best support your patient and family members? The first thing to do is take a deep breath and relax. We are here to guide you through this process and prepare you with the right tools to make it as easy and stress free as possible. Below is [...]

The Most Common Reasons for Long-Range Medical Patient Transports

By |2024-12-17T20:09:02+00:00May 24th, 2022|Categories: Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

A patient transport is the process of moving a patient to and from one location to another often involving hospitals, treatment facilities, or home care. These transports are done through ambulance services. When a patient is transferred over a long distance, typically state to state or over 350 miles, under constant medical supervision it is called a long-range air medical transport. Such transports utilize an air ambulance that can get them to their location safely, comfortably, and quickly. A long-range air ambulance is a medically equipped aircraft that is professionally [...]

Pain Management During Long-Range Air Medical Transports

By |2024-12-17T20:08:49+00:00April 26th, 2022|Categories: Holistic Care, Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

Air Ambulance services are required when a patient has a medical injury or illness and needs to be transferred to another location for further medical care. Long-range transports are transfers from state to state, to or from another country outside of the US, or any distance where specialized care is necessary. These transfers are carried out in larger fixed-wing aircraft, versus a rotor aircraft, that are medically configured to act as an airborne ICU and can transport the patient safely, comfortably, and quickly. Long-range Air Ambulance aircraft are professionally staffed [...]