Medical Transportation

[Infographic] Which Medical Aircraft Do I Use for an Air Ambulance Medical Transport?

By |2025-01-23T14:50:27+00:00October 18th, 2021|Categories: Medical Flight, Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

Need to transport a patient or loved one but don’t know much about Air Ambulance services, like what aircraft are used and why? Fixed Wing vs Rotary Wing At AirCARE1 we are passionate about educating our healthcare partners as well as the general public about the medical transport industry. We get a lot of questions and confusion around the aircraft used for medical transports, specifically when to use a rotary-wing (helicopter) aircraft versus a fixed-wing aircraft (airplane). Many factors play into determining which aircraft is better suited for the [...]

The Importance of Air Ambulance Accreditations

By |2023-05-05T18:53:29+00:00February 5th, 2021|Categories: Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

When entrusting the safety and well being of your loved one with an air ambulance company, it is important that you select a company that is operating with the highest level of standards across both patient care and safety. One way to ensure an air ambulance provider upholds a high level of standards is to choose a company that is backed by the accreditation of leading industry accrediting organizations. When it comes to air ambulance accreditation, there are two organizations worldwide that set the industry standards for patient care and [...]

How Organ Transplant Flights Work

By |2024-04-17T15:39:19+00:00January 1st, 2021|Categories: Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

Receiving the call that you’ve been approved for a transplant can be both exciting and downright frightful. When that call comes, transportation should be the least of your worries. At AirCARE1, we understand that time is of the essence, especially when receiving a transplant. As an emergency air ambulance service, we are staffed to meet your needs 24/7 and are accustomed to providing quick response times even in the middle of the night. With some simple pre-planning, AirCARE1 will make this process seamless and even enjoyable. We will get you [...]

Assessing Patients’ Conditions in Advance of Air Medical Transportation

By |2023-05-05T18:53:03+00:00October 30th, 2019|Categories: Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

AirCARE1 was recently featured in an ITIJ (International Travel & Health Insurance Journal) article focusing on the importance of properly assessing a patient’s condition prior to medical air transport. Here is what ITIJ had to say:  […]

When to Choose an Air Ambulance vs Commercial Medical Escort

By |2024-02-19T18:49:59+00:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: Commercial Medical Escort, Medical Transportation, Patient Transport|

Jump To: Aircraft | Medical Team | Paitent’s Conditions |Medical Equipment | Travel Insurance | Cost Comparison If you’re new to the world of medical transportation, you may see that many air ambulance providers offer two different service options for patients; dedicated air ambulance service as well as commercial medical escorts. To help you understand which of these two options may be the best for you or your loved one, we’ll walk you through the key differences between these two service options. The Aircraft One of the biggest differences between [...]

The History of Air Ambulances

By |2024-09-06T18:36:05+00:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: Ambulance Flight, Aviation, Medical Transportation|

In today’s modern era of medical transportation, fixed wing aircraft and helicopters frequently serve as air ambulances. Staffed with medically trained flight crews, they help transport patients from remote locations to hospitals for the provision of medical care. The fascinating history of medical air transportation testifies to the important changes air travel has made in the modern world during a relatively brief span of human history. Many of the sophisticated technologies employed by air ambulances today are rooted in the many advances made throughout the last century as air ambulances [...]

How to Choose the Right Air Ambulance Company

By |2023-06-28T15:44:16+00:00March 5th, 2018|Categories: Ambulance Flight, Medical Transportation|

Urgent situations arise in life when traditional ground ambulance or helicopter transportation may not be the best choice for patients. In these scenarios, air ambulances can provide a safe and fast means of patient transportation and, as such, are growing in demand. With an increase in air ambulance companies in recent years, it can be difficult to determine which companies are ideal for one’s needs. This short guide will help you through the decision-making process. What is an Air Ambulance? An air ambulance, also referred to as medevac, is an [...]

5 Most Common Uses of an Air Ambulance

By |2024-05-20T16:54:20+00:00March 14th, 2017|Categories: Ambulance Flight, Medical Flight, Medical Transportation|

An air ambulance is a fixed-wing aircraft (airplane) that provides full-service intensive care to onboard patients. In general, an air ambulance is a perfect choice when a patient needs to travel a longer distance (200+ miles) to receive medical care and for other medically appropriate reasons. In these cases patients may need a long distance air ambulance. Here you will learn about five of the most common reasons why patients and their loved ones opt to use an air ambulance service. Injured When Traveling Abroad Every year, thousands of people [...]

AirCARE1 Presentation at IAG Conference on Innovative Service

By |2023-09-22T20:21:33+00:00November 18th, 2016|Categories: Company News, Medical Transportation|

Denise Waye, founder and President of AirCARE1 presented at the recent International Assistance Group (IAG) held in Berlin, Germany. AirCARE1 is a preferred provider of IAG and provides air ambulance services to the global network of assistance companies that make up the International Assistance Group. Ms. Waye was selected to present AirCARE1’s innovative service they provide to their patients during transport to help reduce the stressors of flight. Utilizing a unique approach to patient care, AirCARE1 provides patients with noise cancelling headsets with therapeutic music as well as hand massages [...]

AirCARE1 Presentation at ITIC Conference in Berlin

By |2023-09-25T13:14:57+00:00November 18th, 2016|Categories: Company News, Medical Transportation|

Denise Waye, founder and President of AirCARE1 presented at the recent International Travel Insurance Conference (ITIC) held in Berlin, Germany. The ITIC & Health Insurance Conferences are focused exclusively on the global travel and health insurance industry. From underwriters to brokers, insurers to assistance companies, cost containment providers, hospitals, air ambulances and actuaries to intermediaries, ITIC events draw senior industry figures from around the globe and across the entire professional spectrum of the phenomena that is worldwide provision of travel health insurance services. Ms. Waye’s presented twice at the Berlin [...]